All subscribers are eligible to get into the book for the duration of their subscriptions. Send your bio & photo in either with your subscription order, or as soon as you can afterwards. I can't guarantee your bio will get into the first issue of your subscription, since we're on a tight schedule, but generally The Book is the last thing that goes into any issue, so I'll always try to get you into the nearest upcoming issue.
Bios should be not more than 512 characters, or about 100 words. Bios can be emailed to any of the addresses below, as either a text file or the body of a message, or snail mailed. I do not edit the content of bios, so please check for spelling and grammar! International subscribers are welcome to write bios in their native languages.
Photos should be in portrait format (taller rather than wider). Electronic images can be emailed to any of the addresses below. If you don't have access to a scanner, you can snail mail a photograph and I'll scan it in for you. If you do mail a photo, don't forget to include a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) if you want it back! If you don't include a SASE, I can't send your photo back (unless you beg and plead, and then I might consider it). I do reserve the right to edit photos for size and color.
This depends on the number of people who want to get in The Book, but I don't expect to be able to give everyone their own screen, as with the people in this issue. Chances are I'll stick about 4 people to a page. Please don't think I'm trying to rip you off: it's just that I did the math, and if I gave everyone a full page, it'd take half the CD! Only contributors will continue to get full page treatment.
Files can be mailed to any of the email addresses below. If you're not on CompuServe, AOL, or eWorld, I will accept BinHex'd files as email messages.